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flione’s lid
失声狂笑  detail>>
 n.  1.盖子;〔美俚〕帽子。 2.眼睑 ( = eyelid)。 3.【动物;动物学】 = operculum. 4.制止,取缔。&n...  detail>>
trunk lid, deck lid
行李箱盖  detail>>
anhidrosis of lid
睑无汗症  detail>>
basket lid
棉箱顶盖  detail>>
blow the lid of
揭露丑事/罪恶  detail>>
brass lid
黄铜盖板  detail>>
breakout lid
防消盖  detail>>
bucket lid
挤奶桶盖  detail>>
cell lid
蓄电池盖  detail>>
cesky lid
捷克人民  detail>>
chimney lid
烟囱调节板 烟囱罩 烟道调节板  detail>>
close lid
密合的盖子  detail>>
coffin lid
化石树干  detail>>
coloboma of lid
眼睑缺损  detail>>
confined lid
圈闭层  detail>>
counterweighted lid
重力盖  detail>>
cover, lid
锅盖  detail>>